- Season
- 6
- Production Code
- 2F33
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 24 September 1994
- Writer
- Penny Wise
- Director
- David Silverman
- Executive Producer
- David Mirkin
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
David Mirkin
David Silverman - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

To teach about Romance to the kids Homer and Marge tell them a story relating to past episodes, Marge tells the story about Jacques from life in the Fast Lane, and Homer from The Last Temptation of Homer. But Bart and Lisa and tell them a story from I Love Lisa and New Kid on the block. But it turns out all of those ended in heartbreak but there was only one that didn't and that's Homer and Marge's from The Way We Was.
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