Fan Art
This page contains pictures drawn by, you, the good fans. This section is for you cut loose and change the way the show works. Maggie could be an adult, Lisa could weild a sword for some reason, or even include new characters. If you want your artwork to appear on this page, drop me a line by posting it on Multi Talk 2.

Gary M. Gadsdon
Ajay Mistry
Alexander Gustaffson
Amanda Clarke
Bronya Bouchia
Carl Jackson
Dane Romley
David Gratiot
Hairy Gregory
Henrik Persson
Ivan Paust
Jake Lennington
Jimmy Heenan
Joey Gus
Kathryn Bunny
Kyle Lirette
Leif Jensen
Leon Bizo
Marco Berzacola
Mysti Quinn
Nikki Wright
Omar Arriaga
Rebekah Jewell
Robert Tygart
Serge Igitov
Steven Palmer
Tommy Simms
Disclaimer: The Simpsons is a copyrighted trademark of 20th Century FOX. Any and all content on this site is not authorised by FOX. This site is owned and maintained by Gary M. Gadsdon