Monica Leigha Simpson
Created by: Kathryn Bunny
- Age
- 8
- Hair
- Blonde
- Father
- Homer
- Mother
- Marge
- Brother
- Bart
- Sisters
- Lisa
Monica Simpson is a rather shy and timid Girl, She can stand up for herself but she is picked on a lot. However she has one very close friend named Toby Smith who looks after her when she is feeling low. Monica has inherited several nicknames from both Marge and Maggie, While Marge calls her "My special Little Gal" Maggie calls her "Titch" for being one of the smallest in her class. She has inherited Mona Simpson's hair and Lisa's Sweet attitude and view on Life. Monica wears a green dress similar to Eight-Year-Old Lisa's plus an Emerald round her neck, so her favourite colour is green. She may be small but can go for what she wants!
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