- Age
- 10
- Hair
- Blue
- Father
- Homer
- Mother
- Marge
- Brother
- Bart
- Sisters
- Lisa
Maggie - Girlfriend
- Felicia
When Homer found out he had a second son, he thought he'd have a team of Bart and Eric, pranking him to his wits end, but instead he had a son who'd rather be out shopping for what's new in fashion while hanging out with his girlfriend, and Eric's only 10! Probably the preppiest 10yr old in Springfield's history, Eric likes relaxing and thinking of a future where he is an actor or model. While not the genius Lisa is, he cares about his grades and tries his best. What really makes Eric unique, is he's genetically 98 Percent Marge, much because Homer's DNA is fried from the Nuclear Plant. With the scratchy voice, blue hair and dispostion of being really slender, Eric's the child that bears the most resemblence to Marge, but he's really embarressed of his voice and doesn't say much.