This is the music player. Here you can listen to the many numbers of musical tracks the Simpsons have released over the years. Content in here includes music from within the show, alongside those from the soundtrack albums, Lisa's Sax solos from the intro sequence and some music from the many Simpsons video games. Where Lyrics are available, those are shown below the player.

You will need a browser that Supports HTML5 to use this media player. Supported browsers include IE9+, Firefox 3.5+, Opera 11+, Safari 3+ and Chrome 3+, Google Chrome Frame for IE6, 7 and 8 will also work.

Springfield Soul Stew
Marge: Today's special is Springfield Soul Stew
We sell so much of this, people wonder what we put in it
Well we're gonna tell ya right now:
give me about a half a teacup of bass
now I need a pound of fatback drums
now gimme four tablespoons of boilin' Springfield guita
this is gonna taste alright
Mmm, delicous
Now just a little pinch of organ
now gimme half a pint of horn
place oon the burner and bring to a boil
Yep. That's it, that's it, that's it right there
Now beat. Well... take it Lisa!
Ooooooh thank you!
Mmm, now let's take it on home,
'cause we gotta go home
That's my girl
Disclaimer: The Simpsons is a copyrighted trademark of 20th Century FOX. Any and all content on this site is not authorised by FOX. This site is owned and maintained by Gary M. Gadsdon