- Season
- 1
- Production Code
- 7G09
- Broadcast Index
- S01E07
- Episode Number
- 7
- Airdate
- 18 February 1990
- Writer
- John Swartzwelder
- Director
- Wes Archer
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - Guest Stars
- Albert Brooks
- DVD Commentary
- Wes Archer
Al Jean
Mike Reiss - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

- Character Debuts:
- • Cowboy Bob
- • Rod Flanders

Getting lost in the forest, Homer destroys their RV. Homer, Bart and Maggie go look for help, however, Homer and Bart are unaware that Maggie is with them, and she is taken in by bears while Homer and Bart fall off a waterfall. Homer is mistaken for Big Foot, they allow Homer to return home until they can figure out which species he belongs to.
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