- Season
- 1
- Production Code
- 7G11
- Broadcast Index
- S01E09
- Episode Number
- 9
- Airdate
- 18 March 1990
- Writer
- John Swartzwelder
- Director
- David Silverman
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - Guest Stars
- Albert Brooks
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
James L. Brooks
David Silverman
Al Jean

- Character Debuts:
- • Helen Lovejoy
- • Lenny Leonard
- • Jacques Brunswick

When Homer forgets Marge's birthday, he rushes out to buy her a birthday present. In a rush, he buys her a bowling ball, that he intends to use. To annoy Homer, Marge keeps and uses the ball. While bowling, she meets Jacques,a womanizer,and a bowling instructor. While Jacques, is instructing Marge, he begins to fall in love with Marge. Jacques invites Marge to her apartment, and suspecting something is wrong, Homer tries to tell Marge how he feels, but cannot find the right words. Marge accepts the invitation, but on her way to his apartment, she realizes how much she loves Homer, and turns around and meets Homer at the Nuclear Power Plant. Where this episode comes to its romantic conclusion, as Homer carries Marge away to their car, and won't be back for ten minutes.
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