- Season
- 1
- Production Code
- 7G13
- Broadcast Index
- S01E11
- Episode Number
- 11
- Airdate
- 15 April 1990
- Writer
- George Meyer
Sam Simon
Jon Vitti
John Swartzwelder - Director
- Wes Archer
Milton Gray - Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - DVD Commentary
- Wes Archer
George Meyer - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

- Character Debuts:
- • Agnes Skinner
- • Ugolin
- • Cesar
- • Adil Hoxha

Bart is sent to France on a student exchange program and forced to do slave labor. Meanwhile an Albanian takes Bart's place at the Simpson house hold. Adil, the Albanian is sending top secret images of the nuclear Power Plant back to Albania. And Bart exposes his adoptive parents for the crime of putting Anti-Freeze in wine, and Adil is caught by the FBI. Bart returns three months later, bearing gifts for his family, and learned French through the miracle of French candy!
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