- Season
- 3
- Production Code
- 8F19
- Broadcast Index
- S03E20
- Episode Number
- 55
- Airdate
- 25 March 1992
- Writer
- Matt Groening
- Director
- Mark Kirkland
- Executive Producer
- Al Jean
Mike Reiss - Guest Stars
- Beverly D'Angelo
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Al Jean
Mike Reiss
Dan Castellaneta
Mark Kirkland - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon
Bunk With Me

I get so cold, and lonley
Lying there awake at night
Muttering if only, you weren't married
So I might ask you to Bunk with me Tonight
Bunk with me tonight, oh
Bunk with me tonight,
I'm asking, will you bunk with me tonight
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