One Foot in the Past
Written By: Nikki Wright

Author's Notes: This fic was created in the midst of a website-based mental breakdown I wrote this story to gain a new perspective with The Simpsons which is considerably dark and dramatic. It involves one of the great loves of my (time travel) which at the time was finding it's way into all artwork and ideas I would do. The view I had when writing this faded away shortly after finishing as it was just too dark. This story is loosely based on an old episode of the Outer Limits in which a man goes back in time to stop something awful from happening to himself.

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Chapter II: Mr. 9 Millimeter

<July 23, 2042 - Department of Justice>

F.B.I. AGENT ALLISON TAYLOR is sitting at her desk filling out paperwork as the phone rings, she answers it.

ALLISON: F.B.I. Taylor.
OTHER END: Agent Taylor, Sam Christian from Channel 6 News
ALLISON: Oh, Channel 6 again. Really? Look, anything I have to say about Wendel or Alex or any of it, I said it at the trial.
SAM: I just wondered if we could meet again and...
ALLISON: I am so s- what part of "no" don't you understand?

She then hangs up the receiver. Her partner WARREN "E-MAIL" DUNCAN then walks up to her desk.

WARREN:Vultures starting to circle?
ALLISON: Yeah, they just keep searching for any sorid details about Alex... and what that bastard did to her.

She looks at a photo on her desk of ALEX and herself in the park.

ALLISON: I'll just be glad when this whole thing is over.
WARREN: Well, here's some new business for ya.

WARREN hands ALLISON a folder.

WARREN: Another picture for the gallery.
ALLISON: Who's this one?
WARREN: Name's Snake Jailbird. He was killed about 40 years ago.

WARREN tacks a photo of SNAKE to a board with 16 other men.

WARREN: Same M.O. Perfect ballistics match. How many does that make now?
ALLISON: 17. All killed with the same gun. There could be 50 or 100.
WARREN: Oh, don't even think that.
ALLISON: We just got the first ballistics report 6 months ago, Warren. These are all old cases. They're spread out all over Springfield.

They both scan over the collection of photos.

WARREN: I mean what have we got? The same gun, the same killer, and spanning half a century.
ALLISON: Mr. 9 Millimeter, who are you? What do you want?
WARREN: Well it's not sex or revenge, it's not racial or profit-oriented and it's not political. See that's the thing, it doesn't make any sense, but the cases keep piling up.
ALLISON: What does a children's show co-host and bartender have in common with a groundskeeper? It just doesn't make any sense.
WARREN: ...Hmm, leave it for a while.
ALLISON: No, you can't, because...
WARREN: Well if you don't stop picking at it, it'll never heal.
ALLISON: Oh. Yeah.
WARREN: ...I tell you what. I had, um, I had an idea. There's a bi-mon-sci-fi-con in town, if you want we could go see "Galaxy Wars 6."
ALLISON: Oh, yeah. Warren, I can't tonight. Sorry.
WARREN: Ah, Nelson the Magnificent granting an audience tonight, eh?
ALLISON: Yes, he is.
WARREN: Well in that case, I will be sure to save you a seat. That way when he stands you up yet again you'll know where to find me. You know, I just don't get it. How is Nelson better then say, the average guy? Because I don't know why you put up with him.
ALLISON: You've been speaking to my mother again haven't you?
WARREN: Alright, you go stalk your great rouge male. I'll stick around here and see if I can coax a few more files out of Washington.
ALLISON: Ok, don't you work too late, Warren.

She then picks up her purse and leaves the office.

WARREN: Yeah, right.

<ALLISON TAYLOR's apartment>

ALLISON and NELSON are getting intimate on the living room sofa.

ALLISON: Nelson, something's burning.
NELSON: You got that right, babe.

ALLISON gets up to take a smoking pot off the stove.

ALLISON: Man cannot live by bed alone.
NELSON: Depends on the man. You know, I had a bad day at the Crab Shack. Some talentless dork tried to cover a Jimmy Buffet song, we nearly had a power outtage trying to keep the chicken wire online.
ALLISON: You poor baby.
NELSON: You're all stressed out from the Bureau. I just thought we could soothe each other's nerves a little.

The telephone rings.

NELSON: Grand Central Station.
ALLISON: I have to get that one, it's the office line.

Allison answers the phone.

WARREN: Al? We got something.
ALLISON: Hi, Warren. What's up?
WARREN: I'm faxing you a file right now. Look's like we got a lead on Mr. 9 Milimeter.
ALLISON: ...Warren can I call you back later?
WARREN: Oh I'm not interrupting anything am I?

The fax starts to emerge.

ALLISON: *sigh* Hey, what's this?
WARREN: Lisa Simpson. Her prints match those taken from a lamp in Snake Jailbird's apartment 40 years ago.
ALLISON: Why so long to match it?
WARREN: Well, the file was only de-classified last month.
ALLISON: What was she doing for the N.S.A.? (National Security Agency)
WARREN: Oh, you know those guys, they're not talking. All I learned is that 6 months ago she left them. Other then that we were lucky to get the prints.
ALLISON: She looks kind of familiar to me...
WARREN: Well, we handled a bomb scare for her a while back -- some anti-abortion nut group. Anyway, after she split with the N.S.A. she went to work at Springfield A&M. She lectures there, if you want to you could go and check it out.

NELSON is starting to get sick of waiting and leans up against a wall

ALLISON: Ok, hold on a second... how old is she?
WARREN: Ha, ha. I was wondering when that was gonna click. When Snake Jailbird was killed Lisa Simpson was sucking on a popsicle in kindergarten.
ALLISON: Warren, this doesn't make any sense.
NELSON: I'll say.
WARREN: It's more then we had yesterday but still... you know, it can't be her print, but then what the hell is it?
ALLISON: Look, I don't know. Maybe somebody screwed up and gave us the wrong prints or maybe somebody swi-

NELSON then grabs the fax out of ALLISON's hand and looks at the photo of LISA SIMPSON

NELSON: Somebody's priorities are out of whack.


ALLISON: Look, you know what Warren? This is... this is really good, but I've got company so why don't we jump on this first thing in the morning? Ok?
ALLISON: All right... Warren? Good work.
WARREN: Yeah, don't mention it.

WARREN hangs up the phone.

WARREN: ...You guys have just one hell of an evening.

<Springfield A&M Science Room>

Dr. LISA SIMPSON is standing behind a podium giving a speech on the cerebral cortex of a fetus.

LISA: Any contention that time qua time exists outside of our perceptions is antiquated. Heisenberg, among others, destroyed the model of a passive universe. Which all humanity observes from a distance.

LISA presses a button causing the projection of a brain behind her to change

LISA: The identification of this portion of the brain which I call the "Tempor Discernis," proved to be the crucial breakthrough in my research. Uh, any questions?

Half of the class raises thier hands

MALE STUDENT: Uhh, Ms. Simpson? In your last paper you stated that the Tempor Discernis is one of the last cortical structures to form.
LISA: Yes, at 7 months. Before the 7th month the fetus lives in a timeless state and what we might call the "Pre-Temporal Lobe" has yet to function.

A girl stands up in rage

FEMALE STUDENT: This is crap! You're killing babies and taking our funding just to do this Frankenstein nonsense?
LISA: Please, please. I promise you that no fetus has ever been aborted for the sake of this project. The University Hospital...
FEMALE STUDENT: Screw the University Hospital!

A group a FEMALE STUDENTs then attempt to storm the stage but are held back by other students. LISA then packs up her documents and leaves.


LISA is sitting at her desk gently rocking back and forth, she then slowly turns to her door. Someone then knocks on the door and LISA puts her hands on her face and rubs her eyes. She then gets up to answer it.

ALLISON: Dr. Simpson, I'm Agent Allison Taylor F.B.I.
LISA: Taylor? Where have I heard that name before... You were the one who caught the serial killer Wendle Thompson, and he murdered your best friend, correct?
ALLISON: Yes, that's... that's correct.
LISA: What brings you here, Agent Taylor?
ALLISON: Well, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me.
LISA: ...Come in.
ALLISON: Thank you.

They both walk into the office.

LISA: Please sit down.
ALLISON: Thank you.

ALLISON sits down.

ALLISON: That was a pretty nasty scene back there, wasn't it?
LISA: Mm, I've had worse. What can I do for you?
ALLISON: Well I was hoping you could clear something up for us.
LISA: Concering a case?
ALLISON: A murder case, actually. Over a period of 40 years, at least 17 men have been killed. Same weapon, same method, one bullet in the head and two in the torso.
LiSA: Very efficient. What kind of men were these?
ALLISON: Well, there's no apparent connection. 6 of them were arrested for minor sex crimes, but...
LISA: Oh, is there really such a thing?
ALLISON: Um, an anomaly cropped up on our computers, and a fingerprint matching yours was found on a lamp in the room of one victim, Snake Jailbird.
LISA: ...That name means nothing to me.
ALLISON: Well, no. I'm not surprised. It happened 40 years ago.
LISA: Well, I need an alibi, don't I? Uh, I think you better check with my kindergarten teacher, Mrs... Shedds, yes. And... I think she's still living.
ALLISON: In Shelbyville. Yes, I know. If it's all right, we'd still like to get a fresh set of prints from you.
LISA: How come?
ALLISON: I- I know this seems completly absurd, but we do need to double-check. It's possible that someone you worked with switched records with yours in order to cover thier own tracks.

LISA smiles.

ALLISON: In fact, could you give me any information about this project you were working on at N.S.A.?
LISA: No, sorry. That's classified.

ALLISON then glances at the corner of the office and sees a door with a keypad lock.

ALLISON: Yes, of course. I'm sorry. Um, I actually don't know what I'm doing here. But thank you very much for your time. I know you must be quite busy with all of... this.

LISA then shakes ALLISON's hand and notices her looking at the locked door.

LISA: It's extermination equipment.
LISA: We have rats.

<Department of Justice>

WARREN is in the office by himself on the phone with ALLISON.

ALLISON: Warren, don't you ever go home?
WARREN: Home? Hmm... vaguely heard of it. 4-letter word for domicile, right? So how'd it go?
ALLISON: Oh, dead end. Somebody obviously screwed up the prints.
WARREN: Oh we've seen that before haven't we?
ALLISON: Yeah, well, ob-la-di, ob-la-da. She was so strange, though.
WARREN: Oh, wait a sec. Listen to this.

WARREN puts the phone up to a nearby tv

TELEVISION BROADCAST: This is Channel 6 News, Kent Brockman Jr. reporting. Topping tonight's headlines, Mayor Jack Quimby is said to be considering a last-minute stay of execution for convicted serial killer Wendell Thompson. Stand by for more news...
WARREN: I can't believe what Wendell is trying to get away with.
ALLISON: Yeah, well he's having a time isn't he?
WARREN: Hey, did you hear that?
WARREN: (Imitating News Report) Somewhere out in the city, a lonely pizza calling our name. Come on, Al, what say we stalk the wild anchovy?
ALLISON: Aw, Warren, I'd really love to, but... *beep* that's my other line. It's probably Nelson. I'll talk to you tommorow, thanks for caring.
WARREN: Pleasure.

ALLISON switches lines.

NELSON: Allison?
ALLISON: Nelson, where are you?
NELSON: Uh, sorry. I got car trouble, I can't make it tonight.
ALLISON: Oh, well where are you? I'll come get you.
NELSON: Nah, nah. I'll be all right.
ALLISON: Ok, talk to ya tommorow then.
NELSON: You know it.
ALLISON: Are you sure you don't want me to come get you?
NELSON: Absolutely. Triple-A is taking really great care of me.

NELSON opens up the door on his phone booth revealing a strip club and a woman flitering with NELSON. NELSON then hangs up.

ALLISON: ...Bastard.

ALLISON then shoves a photo of NELSON off her coffee table and cuts her hand.

<August 12, 2000 - Apartment>

An orange portal opens in then apartment room creating a gust of wind. LISA emerges from the portal and checks her surroundings. She then walks over to the floor lamp she turned on with a cloth and begins to wipe her prints off of the knob. While do so she looks over at SNAKE's dead body then activates the portal and vanishes.

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