Bart vs. Austrailia
Production Code
Episode Number
17 February 1995
Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein
Wes Archer
Executive Producer
David Mirkin
DVD Commentary
David Mirkin
Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein
Wes Archer
Gary M. Gadsdon
Plot Bart makes a prank collect call to Australia where it costs $900. Bart is told that all will be forgiven if he makes a public apology in Australia. While there, Bart takes his Bullfrog and places it in a pond, of which it escapes and breeds, flooding Australia with bullfrogs an species which it cant handle. Meanwhile Bart makes his public apology which turns out to be a trap for a booting. Homer helps Bart escape back to the American Embassy. There, the Prime Minister agrees to kick Bart once with a regular shoe, but Bart, moons the Aussies, and they flee back to America.
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