- Season
- 6
- Production Code
- 2F07
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 02 December 1994
- Writer
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - Director
- Wes Archer
- Executive Producer
- David Mirkin
- DVD Commentary
- David Mirkin
Bill Oakley
Josh Weinsten
Wes Archer - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

Homer and Marge are going through a rough patch, and Grampa comes with a Tonic that has magical affects. Parents start forgetting about their children as Homer and Grampa start to sell the Tonic. While on the road, Grampa tells Homer that he was an accident, Homer vows to be a better father to his own children but Bart and Lisa find it scary. Homer shortly realizes that Grampa cared for him after all.
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