- Season
- 4
- Production Code
- 9F16
- Broadcast Index
- S04E19
- Episode Number
- 76
- Airdate
- 15 April 1993
- Writer
- Adam I. Lapidus
- Director
- Rich Moore
- Executive Producer
- Al Jean
Mike Reiss - DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Al Jean
Mike Reiss
Adam I. Lapidus
Rich Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon
When Itchy and Scratchy starts to get boring, Bart and Lisa decide to write an episode and send it in. When they get a return letter, they're declined because they're kids, not giving up, they put Grampa's name on the script and it's produced. Bart and Lisa write Grampa's scripts while he does nothing. They become so popular that Roger Myers Jr. fires the other writers. At an Award Show, Grampa see's Itchy and Scratchy for the first time and tells how horrible it was. He is then fired
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