- Season
- 7
- Production Code
- 3F14
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 23 February 1996
- Writer
- John Swartzwelder
- Director
- Steven Dean Moore
- Executive Producer
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - DVD Commentary
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein
Steven Dean Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Mr. Smithers isn't able to perform his duties correctly, Mr. Burns orders him to take a vacation. Smithers selects Homer to be his replacement, Mr. Burns pushes Homer over the limit and Homer punches him. Mr. Burns becomes totally self reliant when Smithers comes back, Burns fires him. Smithers is unable to find a new job, when Smithers and Homer get into a fight in Burns' office, they knock Burns out the window.
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