- Season
- 7
- Production Code
- 3F15
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 22 March 1996
- Writer
- Jack Barth
- Director
- Mark Kirkland
- Executive Producer
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - DVD Commentary
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein
Jeff Goldblum
David Silverman - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Troy McClure (Voiced by Phil Hartman) is asked to go to the DMV to take a driving test, he gets out of it by asking Selma for dinner. With Selma's help to get Troy back into acting, but to land the role as McBain's sidekick in the upcoming movie, Troy and Selma must get married and have a baby, but Selma doesn't want to bring a child into a loveless Marriage.
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