- Season
- 7
- Production Code
- 3F16
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 15 March 1996
- Writer
- John Swartzwelder
- Director
- Wes Archer
- Executive Producer
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - DVD Commentary
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When a bum says that he made Itchy, the bum, Chester J. Lampwick shows Bart the film of the first Itchy Cartoon, Bart and Lisa help him file a case against Itchy and Scratchy Studios. They win the case, but Itchy and Scratchy is forced to close down. Bart and Lisa try to persuade Chester to fund Itchy and Scratchy but he isnt interested, as they discover a way, Itchy and Scratchy is back in business, but by two other kids, Lester and Eliza.
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