- Season
- 8
- Production Code
- 4F18
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 26 April 1997
- Writer
- Donick Cary
- Director
- Steven Dean Moore
- Executive Producer
- Bill Oakley
Josh Weinstein - DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Josh Weinstein
Donick Cary
Yeardley Smith
Steven Dean Moore
David X. Cohen
Alex Rocco - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

Marge assists Reverend Lovejoy by giving them advice to their problems, and becomes more popular than Reverend Lovejoy himself is, but when her advice backfires on Ned Flanders, she seeks help from Reverend Lovejoy who in the zoo has to rescue Flanders from a bunch of Baboons. Meanwhile, Homer finds a Japanese box with his face on it and discovers that it's a box of dish washing powder, who's company logo is the fusing of a fish and a light bulb.
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