- Season
- 10
- Production Code
- 5F22
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 26 September 1998
- Writer
- David X. Cohen
- Director
- Steven Dean Moore
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Mike Scully
George Meyer
Ron Hauge
David X. Cohen
Steven Dean Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Bart sneaks out to Nelson's he kills an innocent bird with a BB Gun he saw Nelson win at a Family Fun Center earlier that same day. When Bart discovers that the bird had eggs in it's nest, Bart decides to take care of them. When they hatch it turns out that they were lizard eggs. Marge, Bart and Lisa take the lizards to Principal Skinner only to discover that they are banned by federal law. As Bart and the lizards escape, they get thrown off the roof and glide down to the streets below, and then feast on the common pigeon.
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