- Season
- 10
- Production Code
- AABF15
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 10 April 1999
- Writer
- Al Jean
- Director
- Steven Dean Moore
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Mike Scully
George Meyer
Al Jean
Steven Dean Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Homer tries to build a Barbecue Pit, it fails, and Homer tries to get rid of it, it hits someone else's car. That car belongs to Astrid Weller (Voiced by Isabella Rossellini) who is an art critic and proclaims Homer's messed up Barbecue a work of art, Marge who has studied art for years, is jealous of what Homer has accomplished in a week. Homer starts to make more sculptures but they fail. Marge takes Homer to the museum for inspiration but that turns out to be a dead end too. Lisa gives him an idea to block all the drains in Springfield, snorkel the animals and flood the streets of Springfield, though Springfield loves what's Homer has done, he agrees that Marge is the artiste in the family.
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