- Season
- 10
- Production Code
- AABF16
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 24 April 1999
- Writer
- Julie Thacker
- Director
- Mark Kirkland
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Mike Scully
George Meyer
Ron Hauge
Julie Thacker-Scully
Nancy Cartwright
Mark Kirkland - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Springfield is nominated to host the Olympic Games, Homer designs the mascot, Springy. At a ceremony, Bart offends the officials, and the children are told to do 20 hours of Community Service. Bart is taken to the Springfield Retirement Castle where he learns that they wont allow the old folk to do anything fun and Homer tries to sell 1000 springs he bought, but in the end just flushes them down the toilet. Bart takes the old folk to the docks and onto a cruse ride, which soon crashes into Mr. Burns' ship and sinks, but it bounces back up by the springs Homer has been flushing.
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