- Season
- 11
- Production Code
- BABF06
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 16 January 2000
- Writer
- Frank Mula
- Director
- Nancy Kruse
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- DVD Commentary
- Mike Scully
George Meyer
Matt Selman
Nancy Kruse - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

While attempting pull of a prank, Homer somehow manages to get a bucket glued to his head. After some reckless driving (that had nothing to do with the bucket) the family turn up at a revival held by Brother Faith (voiced by Don Cheadle) there, he heals Krusty and Cletus, but is unable to remove Homer's bucket. He calls for Bart to grab the bucket, yell "I have the Power" and pulls the bucket off. Bart is declared as a faith healer. In School, he heals Ralph, and holds a revival in the backyard, but does a poor job of restoring Milhouse's vision and he is run over. Bart realises that he has no supernatural powers. Meanwhile, Homer is preparing for the big football game between Springfield U and Springfield A&M. Homer builds a float which at the game runs over Springfield U's star player, Anton Lubchenko. Fat Tony threatens Homer because he'll lose alot of money otherwise. Homer forces Bart to use his powers, but during a field goal, Lubchenko's leg breaks off kicking the ball a second line and allowing for Springfield U to win.
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