- Season
- 11
- Production Code
- BABF11
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 19 February 2000
- Writer
- Ron Hauge
- Director
- Steven Dean Moore
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- DVD Commentary
- Mike Scully
George Meyer
Ron Hauge
Ian Maxtone-Graham
Matt Selman
Steven Dean Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

To get PBS to play some proper TV, Homer fraudulently donates $10,000. However, he's found out and runs away, seeking Reverend Lovejoy's help, he is placed on a plane to the South Pacific as a Missionary. While there, Homer befriends a group of locals, Ak, Qtoktok, and a little girl who he names Lisa Jr. Homer builds them a casino and when the natives riot, he builds them a chapel saying that they've all become sinners since he got there. Once it's complete, Homer rings the bell so loud that the Volcano erupts, lava flows into the village and destroying the church in the process. Just as it appears that Homer and Lisa Jr. are about to die, the action is interrupted by a FOX pledge drive and Bart phones in to save Homer's life.
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