- Season
- 23
- Production Code
- PABF06
- Broadcast Index
- S23E13
- Episode Number
- 499
- Airdate
- 12 February 2012
- Writer
- Rob LaZebnik
- Director
- Chuck Sheetz
- Executive Producer
- Al Jean
- Guest Stars
- Michael Cera
Jamie Hyneman
Adam Savage - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

- Character Debuts:
- • Nick

Lisa meets a boy, Nick who is an intellectual romantic, and has a crush on him,, she goes out with him quite often until Marge doesn't want her being with him so often. Lisa speaks with Grampa to help her out, but it turns out that apparently, he was just lying with her the whole time and the two break up.
Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse decide to solve various mysteries around Springfield Elementary.
Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse decide to solve various mysteries around Springfield Elementary.
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