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Select your track
- Pour the Wine
- The Marching Band
- Moaning Lisa Blues
- Moaning Lisa Blues (End Credits Version)
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
- Capital City
- Ben
- Lisa, it's your Birthday
- Lisa, it's your Birthday (End Credits Version)
- The Budget Gap
- The Trading Gap
- Lisa S.
- Flaming Moes
- Teddy Bear Picnic
- Sending our Love down the Well
- Talking Softball
- Streetcar
- Your Wife dont Understand you (But I do)
- Bagged me a Homer
- Bunk With Me
- Stand by Your Manager
- Kamp Krusty
- South of the Border
- Little Miss Springfield
- Little Miss Springfield Victory Song
- There is a man
- Mr. Plow
- Plow King
- Cops in Springfield
- Homer Simpson
- Monorail
- Duff Beer
- Mediocure Presidents
- Very Good Beer
- Plant Strike Song
- Everyone loves Ned Flanders
- Whacking Day
- You're Gonna Like Me
- Send in the Clowns
- Baby on Board
- Springfield! Springfield!
- Who Needs the Kwik-E-Mart?
- Lets all go to the Lobby
- Armour Hot Dogs
- Play it Cool
- Grampa
- Mayor Quimby
- One Chorus Line of People
- Under the Sea
- We Do
- See My Vest
- Señor Burns
- Jazzman
- Just Dont Look
- Ballad of Jebediah Springfield
- Dr. Zaius
- Ammendment to Be
- Skinner and the Superintendent
- Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel
- Scorpio
- Those Were the Days
- Minimum Wage Nanny
- Cut Every Corner
- A Boozehound Named Barney
- Happy Just the Way we Are
- Can I Borrow a Feeling?
- Spring in Springfield
- On a Technicality
- Chief Wiggum P.I.
- Love Matic Grampa
- Simpson Family Smile Time variety Hour
- I Want Candy
- Checking In
- The Garbageman Can
- Canyonero
- Paint Your Wagon
- All Singing All Dancing
- Mama Took those Batteries
- Kids! Adults!
- Max Power
- Elton John's Love Song
- Children are the Future
- I Like Food
- Stretch Dude and Clobber Girl Theme
- Mayonaise and Marmolade (and other spreadable things)
- Testify
- Jockeys
- A Book About a Man
- Simpsons Christmas Boogie
- This Log
- Sold Separately
- Hunger Pangs
- Special Girl
- Spelling Bee
- Yvan Eht Nioj
- Lets Re-enlist
- They'll Never Stop the Simpsons
- You're a Bunch of Stuff
- Rob That Bank
- Grown Accustomed to your face
- Jellyfish
- Homer and Marge
- Everybody Hates Ned Flanders
- I Love to Walk
Disclaimer: The Simpsons is a copyrighted trademark of 20th Century FOX. Any and all content on this site is not authorised by FOX. This site is owned and maintained by Gary M. Gadsdon