Insane Clown Poppy
Production Code
Episode Number
11 November 2000
John Frink
Don Payne
Bob Anderson
Executive Producer
Mike Scully
Gary M. Gadsdon
Plot When at a book fair, a girl named Sophie claims to be Krusty's daughter (voiced by Drew Barrymore). Krusty simply doesn't know how to react. When on the beach with Sophie, Krusty sees how good of a father Homer is, so Krusty asks him for advice. Krusty then learns that Sophie can play the violin pretty well, when Krusty is gambling with Fat Tony, he has a good hand, and gambles the violin. He loses. When Sophie finds out, she's devastated. Homer and Krusty sneak into Fat Tony's compound and get the violin back. Krusty manages to give it back to Sophie, but Homer has to make a run for it.
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