- Season
- 12
- Production Code
- BABF22
- Episode Number
- 0
- Airdate
- 06 January 2001
- Writer
- Al Jean
- Director
- Mike B. Anderson
- Executive Producer
- Mike Scully
- Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Homer blows all of the family's money in the stock market, he volunteers for for human experiments, there the scientists discover that Homer has a crayon lodged in his brain. It is removed and Homer's IQ increases 50 points. Homer starts to like hanging out with Lisa at the Library and helping his friends. When Homer sends a saftey record to the government, everyone is fired, and everyone hates him. Although he connects with Lisa, he feels that he doesn't fit in anywhere anymore. He goes to the researchers to put a crayon back into his brain but they wont do it, so Homer has Moe do it. He returns to his buffoonish self.
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