- Season
- 2
- Production Code
- 7F02
- Broadcast Index
- S02E02
- Episode Number
- 15
- Airdate
- 18 October 1990
- Writer
- Jon Vitti
- Director
- Rich Moore
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - Guest Stars
- Harvey Fierstein
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Jon Vitti
Al Jean - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

Homer finds out about a hair growth tonic called Dimoxinil. Homer tries to buy the formula, but it costs $1,000 which he cant afford, Lenny suggests that charging it on his Health Insurance. Homer applies the formula overnight, and awakes with a full head of hair. When Mr. Burns spots Homer on the video monitors, he gives Homer a promotion to Junior Executive. Homer employs a new assistant called Karl. With Karl's help Homer mange's to do various things that improve the plant, this makes Smithers jealous. Smithers takes a look into Homer's files and finds that he has scammed the plant, Smithers fire's Homer, but Karl takes the rat for it. Back at home, Bart hoping to grow a goatee breaks Homer's bottle of Dimoxinil, Homer loses his air during the night and is back to his normal, bald self. Homer is told to give a presentation on how to improve productivity, but without hair, no one takes him seriously, Homer is then demoted to his old position back in Sector7-G, Marge assures him that she loves him for who he is.
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