- Season
- 2
- Production Code
- 7F10
- Broadcast Index
- S02E10
- Episode Number
- 23
- Airdate
- 10 January 1991
- Writer
- John Swatzwelder
- Director
- Mark Kirkland
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - Guest Stars
- Phil Hartman
- DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Mike Reiss
Mark Kirkland - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

- Character Debuts:
- • Lionel Hutz
- • Dr. Nick Riviera
- • The Blue Haired Lawyer
While riding around on his skateboard, Bart gets hit by a car driven by Mr. Burns. Lionel Hutz says that if Homer wants to sue Mr. Burns he can. When Mr. Burns offers Homer a cash settlement for only $100 Homer tells Mr. Hutz that he wants to sue. Hutz assures Homer that he can get a $1,000,000. Hutz makes Bart's injuries seem worse than they really are. During the trial, Mr. Burns realizes that he is going to lose the trial and offers Homer and Marge a $500,000 settlement. Marge wants him to accept, but Homer refuses. Marge accidentally blurts something out, and Burns's lawyers put Marge on the stand. Marge tells the jury the whole truth and Burns doesn't give him any money. In Moe's Homer wonders if he can love Marge anymore. Marge goes in to apologize, and Homer tells her he loves her more than ever.
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