- Season
- 2
- Production Code
- 7F15
- Broadcast Index
- S02E14
- Episode Number
- 27
- Airdate
- 14 February 1991
- Writer
- David M. Stern
- Director
- Mark Kirkland
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Mike Reiss
Mark Kirkland - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

- Character Debuts:
- • Groundskeeper Willie
- • Hans Moleman
- • Squeaky Voiced Teen
When Selma asks Marge to find her a husband, Marge asks Homer to do the dirty work. Homer cant find anyone but after pulls a prank at school with Sodium Tetrasolphate, Homer learns that Principal Skinner is also single and he invites Skinner to dinner. Skinner arrives and is first introduced to Patty by mistake, Skinner is instantly smitten. Homer continues to look, all the while, Skinner and Patty go out on dates, Barney notices about Selma and offers to be fixed up. Selma gives up and decides to accept Barney's advances, Patty realises the effect her relationship with Skinner is having on her sister and turns down Skinner's propsal. Rescuing her from her date with Barney, she takes Selma home.
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