- Season
- 2
- Production Code
- 7F08
- Broadcast Index
- S02E06
- Episode Number
- 19
- Airdate
- 14 November 1990
- Writer
- Jeff Martin
- Director
- Rich Moore
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Jeff Martin
Al Jean
Mike Reiss
Rich Moore - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

After getting into an argument with Flanders, Homer makes a bet with him that Bart can beat Todd at Miniature Golf. Homer keeps pushing him, which makes Bart unsure he can do it, however, with a little training from Lisa, Bart manages to keep everything all square in the final hole, however, Bart and Todd decide to call a tie, causing Homer and Flanders to mow the lawn of their neighbor in his wifes Sunday dress, much to Homer's dismay, Flanders enjoys it.
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