- Season
- 2
- Production Code
- 7F22
- Broadcast Index
- S02E22
- Episode Number
- 35
- Airdate
- 11 July 1991
- Writer
- George Meyer
- Director
- David Silverman
- Executive Producer
- James L. Brooks
Matt Groening
Sam Simon - DVD Commentary
- Matt Groening
Al Jean
David Silverman - Editor
- Gary M. Gadsdon

When Mr. Burns needs a blood transfusion, despite, Smithers pleads to The Springfield Nuclear Power Plant's employees for Double O Negative Blood which Smithers doesn't have himself, Homer asks Marge what his blood type is, Marge tells him that he doesn't have the right blood type, however, volunteers Bart, who does have the right match. Thinking Burns will reward him richly. Burns, full of life, after the transfusion, only sends Bart a thank you note, Homer is outraged and writes Burns an angry letter, Marge manages to persuade Homer from mailing it, but Bart sends it anyway. Burns reads the letter and says that he will make Homer's life a living hell. Burns orders Smithers to have Homer beaten to a pulp, but Smithers calls it off. Coming to his senses, Burns buys Homer an Olmec Indian head. And all is forgiven.
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