I wwebsite as on the internet
January 09, 2012, 03:45:08 AM
So really all this episode contains is a redesigned title area for each posts with plans to allow more people to post updates and branch out into other Simpsons related news, which is likely to come with WOTS4, whenever that gets designed, which I have not done yet. It should allow you to share the updates via Facebook and Twitter, which is a big thing right? Especially my stance against Facebook.

The only real content that's been added is a capsule for PABF03 - Politically Inept with Homer Simpson, which has a synopsis and framegrabs, Promo cards were released for the episode, but I don't have reasonably sized images of them yet...
Smells like Dog, but there's no dog.
December 28, 2011, 04:16:23 PM
I've made some graphical touches to the design of WOTS3, mainly the navigation and other areas.
In content, I have added episode capsules for every Season 23 episode that has aired thus far. These actually get added the day after air with framegrabs, I just don't announce them. So this is probably old news. In case you've forgotten the episodes are NABF16 - The Falcon and the D'ohman, NABF17 - Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelt's, NABF18 - Holidays of Future Passed, NABF19 - Treehouse of Horror XXII, NABF20 - The Food Wife, NABF21 - Replaceable You, NABF22 - The Book Job, PABF01 - The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants and PABF02 - The Ten Per-Cent Solution.
There are also plenty of new sections dotted around such as Simpsons Family Tree, a new Biography featuring Lisa's future daughter, Zia. A new Common List on the Stand By Indents, What I Pine For Fan Fic from Kathryn Bunny returns from TCB, as does Maggie's Future and Flashbacks which she also wrote.
In drawings, theres some new Promo Cards, Wallpapers and Scenegrabs and the very typical Grabpics.
Fan Sections got expanded such as Fan Art from myself, Leif Jensen and GladiatorRomanus, and the Scripts (thats scripts to episodes, not fan scripts

The grabpics would normally be at the end of the update, but there's a lot of new ones, so I'm not going to do that.
That says corn Bart
September 13, 2011, 06:32:12 PM
Due to a change of host, I've had to add a small amount of content that I was holding onto until the new season started, but oh well. That doesn't matter.
In Multimedia two new albums have been added to the Music Player they are The Simpsons Testify, as well as the official soundtrack for The Simpsons Game which is a rarity. Remember you need a HTML5 compatible browser to play them.
I have also added a new section to the Video Player too containing the intro sequences for the show. Including the Season 1 intro and the Kesha Intro.
The Fan Character biographies has been updated to include the biography for Dark Maggie who appears in Simpsons Fantasy III, VI and VIII. Some Fan Art from GladiatorRomanus has also been added.
FOX has already started to release Promo Cards for Season 23, feautring promos for NABF16 - The Falcon and the D'ohman.
On top of that, some new Episode Capsules have been added from Season 5, specifically 9F21 - Homer's Barbershop Quartet and 9F22 - Cape Feare.
No new grabpics strangely enough.
There's no way a stupid Flanders like me could ever have thought of this
August 23, 2011, 03:05:02 AM
In the information section the Stranglings page has returned because I forgot to add it into the launch of WOTS3, I have also added a biography for Hank Scorpio, who appeared in 3F23 - You Only Move Twice. As well on top of that, I've added the DVD Companion for The Simpsons Movie.
In the Gallery, several Grabpics have been added of Homer, Lisa, Number One and Hank Scorpio, drawn by either me, or Leif Jensen. Leif also added a new Fan Art based Wallpaper.
And Finally, I've also added a new Fan Art pic to the site based around the Phineas and Ferb movie.

There's nothing I can do to save my sister, the blimp, or this airship...
July 22, 2011, 12:55:38 AM
All the content has been revamped, using far less code, reducing the size by about a third for most of them. Also some pages in WOTS2 that used Flash now use HTML5 meaning that if you don't have a HTML5 supported browser, those pages wont work, but that's limited to the Music pages. But really, as long as you're not running IE8 or less, you're fine. Though Google Chrome Frame would work for them.
I also took the opportunity to move some pages from TCB or LTBQ and bring them into WOTS3. These include the Sprites, Colour Ins and Bookmarks pages.
In new content, there's some, new Grabpics, Fan Art, and DVD Companions for Seasons 3 and 4. But the newest addition to the site is the Fan Character Compendium which covers characters created by fans for their fan art and fiction.
Don't forget that you can submit content to the Episode Guide which is now easier to navigate as all episodes are listed on one page instead of scrolling through seasons.
Disclaimer: The Simpsons is a copyrighted trademark of 20th Century FOX. Any and all content on this site is not authorised by FOX. This site is owned and maintained by Gary M. Gadsdon